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Through the matrix of the human channels of vibration, starting with the ear, the brain, the voice, and the body, we can begin to listen our way to good health and wholeness.



  • Improving the Singing and Speaking Voice

  • Gifted Learning

  • Inattention & Behavioral Issues

  • Auditory Processing Difficulties

  • Brain Function & Memory

  • Rejuvenation of Voice & Muscles

  • Head Injury & Stroke

  • Stress, Mood, or Sleep Issues

  • Energy, Motivation, Creativity

  • Executive Function

  • Speech & Listening Issues

  • Language & Auditory Processing

  • Motor Coordination

  • Sensory Processing

  • Learning/Academic Difficulties

  • Depression, PTSD, Anxiety

  • Insomnia, Fatigue



The Brain Changes Throughout Life! Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. It can compensate for damage in one area by reorganizing and forming new connections between intact neurons. In order to reconnect, whether from injury or disease, the neurons need to be repeatedly stimulated through activity. Neurons that fire together, wire together.


Hearing and Listening Hearing and the muscles of the middle ear never rest—they work every second from birth until death. Listening involves the conscious effort of paying attention to a sound or sounds. We hear by air waves coming into our ears and by bone conduction–vibrations that travel throughout the entire skeletal system with a special petrous bone surrounding the middle and inner ear. Its the densest bone in our body - better for transmitting sound. We even have two types of cells in our skin that commute sound; one set for low and one for high frequencies. Sound waves entering the outer ear are transformed into electrical impulses in the inner ear and sent to the brain, providing energy to the brain and influence our ability to focus and sustain attention. The vestibular and cochlear systems of the inner ear work together to relay sensory input to the brain and play a key role in our ability to integrate our senses and their successful interaction, essential for language development, sensory processing and motor function.






The Listening Method and the Artistic Voice LINK to Article. Scientific research on how the listening method works for the singing and speaking voice.



Music is the Sonic Food for Life


The amazing ear is connected to the entire body through the vagus nerve and through the vibration and resonance of bone conduction . . .


The Whole Skeleton Sings!

The Vibrations of Singing

Tomatis tells us singing is extremely important. It energizes the singer as well as the listener. Scientific research has shown that in order for the brain to operate at full capacity, it need so be bombarded with sound for a minimum of 4.5 hours per day. Sound energy, transmitted through the audio-vocal circuit, makes a critical contribution to peak functioning. We can never sing or listen too music too much; however, it is important to clarify which kind of music and singing nurtures us. When we speak, the whole body participates, and in singing the participation of the body along with the nervous system is even greater.

Benefits from the Listening Matrix and iLs programs can being to emerge as quickly as the first few weeks. However, the complete benefits of the program may take many months to become established. This is because the improvements in auditory processing are constrained by the very slow rate at which new neural pathways (dendritic branching) develop. It is likely you will see results related to your physical, mental, and vocal abilities quite soon, sometimes within days but usually within weeks or months, with performance results in school or workplace following soon thereafter.


We train the brain by forming a solid foundation, initially, by stimulating the brain with multi-sensory input at the sub-cortical level including the Cerebellum, ANS, RAS and Limbic systems working up to the cortical level to improve behavioral/emotional regulation and learning.


Singers, Speakers, Musicians, Producers, Engineers, Actors  Reports by singers and speakers who have had the APP training as well as Dr. Tomatis and those knowledgeable in the field say that within a few sessions, the quality of the voice may attain a more brilliant or vibrant timbre with easier flexibility and more resonance. Accurate timing of pitch perception is heightened and music is understood and appreciated more. Expression, memorization of lyrics and music is facilitated. Sense of time, phrasing, rhythm, along with body image, posture and body awareness is improved. Better fine and gross motor control of muscles. Pronunciation and diction clears up. Learning a foreign language is expedited. Turbo charges sight-reading music, with or without lyrics. Energy, overall exuberance and self-confidence is boosted. We’ve had success rejuvenating atrophied vocal cords; toning them and aligning their function again. Restore missing resonances and frequencies in the listening range for a better timbre, easier ascending through the passagios or "breaks." We've had successes getting people to sing on pitch or in tune who have never done so before. Perception and location of sound or where a sound is coming from is clarified. Residual hearing loss is optimized. The body and mind become simultaneously energized and relaxed. Creativity is augmented.


The ear drum, like a snare drum, needs to be tuned and made taut. The two tiny muscles of the middle ear also need toning to function better, especially if a singer or someone who uses their ears and/or voice for a living, has had or has allergies, bad colds, laryngitis, viral, bacterial infections, chronic ear infections and other nasty 'bugs' or a whack on the head that can be at the root of these issues affecting how we sing and speak. It is the ear that controls the voice, stimulates the brain, and effects the entire body.



Learning Helps with reading and sight-reading music, writing and writing music, drawing and painting, math and geometry, auditory processing speed, dyslexia, problems with concentration, attention, focus, memory . . .


Development Helps with delayed speech, motor and psychological development, those on the autism spectrum, ADD & ADHD . . .


Vestibular Disorders Helps with balance, coordination, body image, gross & fine motor skills, attitude, organization, rhythm . . .

Depression & PTSD Helps depression, insomnia, memory, energy, motivation, hypersensitivity to sounds . . .

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